"Return of the King"

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Good morning.

Sunday morning Palm Sunday

Welcome to hear glad you could join us this morning and you can start right off. worshipping letting our boys to our board and and honoring his is entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday many many many years ago.

Good morning. All right. Well, there's a few people in here. Let's try that again. Good morning. Right cuz it's so nice to have so many voices saying good morning all at once.

It's really good to see you all here. I'm really glad to meet a couple of you for the first time or in first time in a while and it's just really really good to be coming together and worshipping Our Savior together. I'm so glad that you guys can sing with us this morning, and we're going to be studying.

Starting from God's word in a moment. But before we do, I do want to remind you of a couple things that are happening. We are going to be celebrating this coming weekend. We're going to be celebrating the wonderful work of Christ on the cross and in the grave as he Rose and conquered death and sin for our sake Who provided us that most wonderful gift of salvation We're going to be celebrating on Friday evening and staring in the Lord's Supper as we remember his work on the cross that weekend. So if you are available on Friday evening at 6, come on by the church and join with us as we As we share in that remembrance and also on Sunday morning, we're going to be having an informal Sunrise Service. It's nothing official. It's just unofficial singing in prayer time for anybody who feels like getting up that early we're going to be getting over here at 6:30. So if you are feeling Hale and Hearty that morning and feel like getting up at 6:30 and out here by 6:30 and we'll meet the sunrise together praising Our Savior and then we're going to have normal service times, of course at 9:30 and 11. All right now.

Dear Lord. Thank you so much. thank you for the way that you provide for us and

more than anything. Thank you for Jesus Christ Our Savior.

These couple weeks we set aside each year. Specifically to remember what Jesus did on the cross?

Thank you so much. I love that you expressed towards us by sending your own son to provide a way for us to have a restored relationship with you.

In Jesus name that we pray and that we join together this morning. In Jesus name amen.

Go ahead and have a seat and I hope you brought your Bibles with you. You didn't I suppose that's okay.

If you got your Bibles though, we're going to be in Matthew chapter 21 this morning as we remember and relate the the wonderful Story the part of Jesus's story in Ministry where he entered Jerusalem in that wonderful thing. We call the triumphal entry triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem Matthew chapter 21.

Matthew chapter 21 says vitznau when they drew near Jerusalem and came to Bethpage at the Mount of Olives. Then Jesus sent two disciples saying to them going to the village office at you and immediately you'll find donkey tied and there will be a cult with her. Loose them and bring them to me. Now if anybody says anything to you, you shall say the Lord has need of them and immediately he will send them. All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of by the prophet and not is the prophet Isaiah saying this tell the daughter of Zion behold. Your king is coming to you. Loli I'm sitting on a donkey. The cult that is full of a donkey. So the disciples went and they did as Jesus commanded them. They brought the donkey in the cold and they they laid their clothes on him.

They laid the quotes on them and set him on top of them and a great multitude spread their clothes on the ground others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And then the multitude to went before and those who followed cried out. And they said list who's Anna to he who is the son of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?

And when he had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved saying who is this? So the multitude said, this is Jesus. This is Jesus the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.

I wasn't that. An amazing moment. In that an amazing moments in the in the work of Jesus Christ in this world now if you'll recall.

God sent Jesus into the world

as a human

He sent Jesus his very own son into the world as a human being

And Jesus began his ministry when he was about 30 years old and as he was ministering walking through the land of Israel. Teaching and preaching and doing these wonders miraculous Works throughout the country of Israel.

He finally came to a moment in his ministry when as he describes. all things have been fulfilled

and there's so much in the story of the Bible is read through the Old Testament and come into the New Testament that you will see a story developing. You'll see a a grand theme developing across the story of the Bible as it comes to this. One moment in the life of Jesus Christ.

and Jesus Christ at this one moment in his ministry says it's ready.

Things have happened the way they're supposed to happen. Things have come to the moments where I need to do certain things so that all things may be fulfilled.

Set all prophecy may be fulfilled so that all of God's desire in his own plan will come to fruition.

And there's actually as we look through the Bible there's many themes and if you guys have have spent much time studying with me as I as I tend to teach Through the Bible. I tend to draw your attention to these overarching themes that we find in the Bible to tie one part of the Bible to the rest of the Bible. And as we walk through the Bible we see these Grande themes beginning to develop.

one of these themes Is the idea of Sabbath?

Are you guys familiar with the word Sabbath? Some of you are some of you may not be quite as familiar with it, but this idea that

This theme of Sabbath comes across very clearly as you read through the Bible if you're paying attention. Let's go ahead and take a look at where this idea of the Sabbath begin. in Genesis chapter 1 Excuse me for just a moment Ciara.

If you can't then you need to go sit with your mother, okay?

in Genesis chapter 1

Genesis chapter one we begin to see this idea of the Sabbath come. interplay You guys know about the 7 days of creation, right? He probably already see where I'm going. If you look in the Bible the very first chapter God created the heavens and the Earth. And you did it in six Wonder stays you remember that? Can you remember how in your in your Bibles and in your in your Bible Story Time growing up as a kid? And and as you've done Bible studies as an adult you you probably have studied about how there was day. And there was night the second day there was day and there was night the third day right and you go through you move through the first six days and then the second the seventh day. Actually has no finish. Is really cool. Just a really cool thing that the author did there as he paints this picture of beginning and ending of every day walking through the six days of creation. And then he comes to the 7th Day and doesn't put an end point on that day. Why? Because he's throwing a picture as he as the author was drawing this picture of creation Not only was he relating the events of creation. He was also drawing a landscape for you and me to understand. Where the emphasis is supposed to be in the story? The emphasis isn't on which day he created the sun moon and the stars. The point of the creation story isn't about which day he made Birds versus which day he made the fish.

That's not the point of this story. The point is that every work of his hands happened within 6 days and then the 7th. All of the work was finished. And it came to one. culminating moment

and it was complete. And on the seventh day. Arrested go ahead and go to Genesis chapter 2 right there at the beginning of the heavens and the Earth and all of the host of them. We're finished.

And on the seventh day, God ended his work. He ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day.

From all of his work with you done and then God bless that seventh day and he Sanctified that seventh day because in it he rested from all his work which God has created and made.

There's a really neat little tidbit in here. And if you know me, you also know that I don't tend to give you the Hebrew words all that off and we're going to today. Okay, so lucky you you get to learn two words in Hebrew one of them. You already know Sabbath. Text you already know that word, right? Sabbath Sabbath or Shabbat OK and forgive my Hebrew pronunciation if there's a Hebrew student in here, I'm absolutely horrendous that actually speaking Hebrew but Shabbat Sabbath. This is one of the words that used in this passage. You may have noticed in Chapter 2 verses 1-3. There's two times that he says the word rested. One of those times the Hebrew author use the word Shabbat. The other time the Hebrew author use a different word. He used the word Luwak.

All right, Newark and sherbet. These two words were both translated into English as rest or rested at a wonderful wonderful thing about this little tidbit.

Is the meaning behind those two words is different carries. A two-step process almost of Eye of the way that it's designed in the $0.01 Shabbat. Shabbat means to cease from to start doing it right now if you Are working a regular job? A regular 8-hour day job or if you have work that kind of a job. You know that when the clock hits 5 you shabbat.

You cease from working. Your work is done. All right, you have ceased from work you shall. And no, I'm not swearing. All right. But the second word and why? Is really intriguing because he doesn't mean to stop doing it. It means to take up residence.

it means

if I'm building my own home.

At the moment when I have Shabbat. My home when I have ceased from working on my home next complete now. And then I take that first step through the front door and I am inside my home I now.

I take up residence within that home now. It is my home and I rest in it. This is where I hang my hat. This is where irest

and the Lord when he had sharted sorry English transliteration there shall vaunted from all of his work.

He took up residence. Said this is my home now. It is complete and he took his residence there.

And then he invited Adam and Eve to his home. He said I have made this for you. An Adam and Eve went into that wonderful garden. Can we call it the garden of God?

Standard into this Garden displays that he had prepared for them. And he said This is my residence. for you

take care of it.

And that wonderful. And he said this day the seventh day which according to the author has no end. It is complete now this day of completion of finished Ennis.

This shall be set apart to remind us and we do. Play Israelite Israelites it as they were given the laws of Moses and they developed their culture and the way of practicing. Their week-to-week life. In fact, our week is based on this wonderful seven day. cycle that we find in the Bible

receive the Israelites practicing this Is twofold understanding of rest? You see they would cease from their work.

to be reminded

but that seventh day to be reminded of gods ownership of everything that they were to remind that indeed their life, although they work hard for 6 days a week on that seventh day. They see they Shabbat from all of that hard work to remember the Lord. and his Noir over their life his residence His ownership of their life, he took up that residents in the land of Israel inside the temple and and there's so many so many components of Israelite culture that towards this the one of the most wonderful Parts about this is that seven day cycle and as you look through the Old Testament, you're going to see this cycle repeating and every time does the number or multiples of the number seven, but it brings our attention. It reminds us once again of this theme of Sabbath this theme of rest. As we look at our savior. We see it again you see you in in. Jewish culture you had these 7-Day Cycles in at the 7th Day every week they would rest. 7th year was a day with a with a year of refreshment. every cycle of 7 groups of 7 years Was a time of what they called Jubilee? And as we look through the history of of Israel, we see this wonderful cycle repeating 7s and 7s and 7s. All pointing towards the rest that God. That guard established right there at the beginning of creation.

Isn't it wonderful?

funnily enough As I understand it Jesus came in to Jerusalem as the time was approaching Fort Ord Passover.

on a jubilee year Which is amazing to me.

And you're welcome to fact-check me on that. Everybody's got different methods of counting months and dates and what not. But if true that's quite amazing to me. And just really cool tidbit.

Genesis chapter 3

if you still in Genesis great.

Because unfortunately, the story doesn't end there.

You see the Lord took the human D arrested him in Genesis 2:15. He rested him. Yeah, you walked him into the Garden of Eden. To work it and keep it.

It's not a weird way of Translating that. Go to Genesis chapter 2:15 and read it real quick in your mind's I'll read it out loud for you. And then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden in and to tend it and keep it and that word is quite literally rested him into the garden. He put the man's residence right there in the garden is really cool.

And that makes it all the more devastating. when we move into chapter 3 see

God Welcome to mankind. Welcome to all of humanity into this Garden this dwelling this residence of his and said, this is your home as well.

And then the humans rebelled

and they lost that piece. I'm not going to bother reading through the story of the rebellion of man against God because you all know it, you know about Adam and even and how the serpent got involved in and all three ended up doing terrible things in that moment of sinning against God.

God came into the picture told them what their problem was. old emoticons has consequences were going to be

10 in Genesis chapter 3 verses 17 to 19. It says this

Because you have heated the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree, which I commanded you saying you shall not eat of it. Cursed is the ground for your sake in toil. You shall eat of it all of the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you. And you shall eat the herb of the field in the sweat of your face. You show me bread. So you return to the ground for out of the ground you were taken for dust you are and to dust you shall return.

You sense the complete the polar opposition of that punishment. versus the rest that God established in his creation the entire creation story Drew to the culmination of establishing peace and residence.

And that piece was destroyed. In the moment of rebellion.

And as we look through history we see. There is no. Peace.

Sorry, I've got movie quotes going through my head.

There is no. Peace.

We have no.

capacity to establish true peace in our lives

work work. We are left in capable of establishing real peace in our lives as soon as we establish a sense of peace.

Within moments, we realize that the foundation is weak. We realized that the piece that we have established in our lives relies on some sort of thing that might disappear in the next moment. If our peace rests in our bank account, we realized that at any moment someone could steal that entire bank account from under us in a moment. It could be gone. Skip our peace is established in the the the structure we have within our family someone could say a false word. And the peace in the family will be destroyed.

If your piece is established in your own mind, and and you kind of just become this self-reliant individualistic. Kermit in the middle of nowhere

you realize that at any moment everything you own could be destroyed. buy some gust of wind

There is no case that we are capable of establishing.

and so when God comes and he says I will put my peace upon you.

And you shall find rest?

Can you imagine the wonderful moment when someone realizes that the almighty all-powerful omnipresent omnipotent? God above all God's says I will bring my peace and my peace I will sit on you.

And you will find rest.

I kind of promised. When you think about it is beyond understanding.

And this wonderful faithful God. didn't just say that today.

That wonderful faithful God in the moment. That mankind was rebelling against him he had the beginnings of the plan of restoration

In fact, even use the word seed as he was planning this wonderful Restoration in the moments of man's Rebellion. God was already planting the seeds of restoration between God and Mankind.

If you're familiar with this passage, you know what I'm talking about. Just go back a few verses in chapter 3 from 4:17 if you don't recall it. It's a wonderful moment. Before he had even told them the consequences of their Rebellion. He had already given them a promise of restoration.

And through history through the story of the Bible. You see God developing his plan his theme of the restoration of the restoration of rest. for us to enjoy and the most wonderful thing about it is it is not just sebhat that he provides. He doesn't just provide us a way to stop toiling. He provides me. Give promised that his residence will be restored. Becky will restore his residence now, we're going to get more into that next week. But when Jesus walked in two rode in on the back of the Colt of a donkey. A road into the city they sang his praises and they said Jose next he is here. This promised one. This promised King has come he is returned at last he is here. I was Anna in the highest. We've been waiting so long for God to re-establish his peace on us his peace on his real his peace on the world.

They were so excited.

And it's absolutely wonderful that the first place Jesus went to. As he stepped into the city of Jerusalem, he stepped into the temple.

If you look at the history of the temple, you will be drawn back to the Old Testament where they wear in the law of Moses. They were they were given instructions by God in designing something called The Tabernacle. and it was like this tent of meeting this this worship place and it was supposed to be set up in the middle of Israel in the middle of the camp of Israel and the idea was and all of the all of the wondrous intricate works that were that were designed and created by by the metallurgists and by the scenes seamsters as they were as they were preparing this tent of meeting in this place that had within it a holy place in the holy of holies in the Ark of the Covenant was in there and and all of these wonderful icons that each gave remembrance to one particular thing

you see in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and he established a place for men to reside with God and called it a garden. and everything within that Temple every picture reminded the Israelites of that Garden

that Garden of Union and fellowship with God

And Jesus when he walked into the temple. And cleansed it of all its impurities.

Do you think that the Israelites may have remembered?

perhaps the story of Genesis end the Rebellion

And perhaps in that moment they recalled.

how they like Adam and Eve had taken what God had given them. And it turned it to their own interests.

As we're going to be recalling as we read through the story this coming week.

We're going to call to your memory.

the rejection of Israel how Israel rejected this one that they hailed as king.

a little bit of a sad note to end on

I'll leave you with this.

In Hebrews, and by the way, you should read through the whole book of Hebrews. It's absolutely amazing. but in Hebrews as you read through Hebrews you will find. this word peace

when we were going to the book of Hebrews Donna, I remember that that were particularly hate you. As we discussed peace and rest. In the book of Hebrews I encourage you to go to Hebrews and read it.

in Hebrews

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for.

the evidence of Things Not Seen

By faith, the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.

By faith, we understand that these things were done so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. As the author of Hebrews continues on you relate one person's faith. by faith Abel understood by faith Enoch understood by faith Noah understood by faith Abraham understood by faith Sarah herself understood these all have to weigh in faith. Not having received the promises but having seen them afar off.

They were assured of those promises. They embraced those promises and they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims here on this Earth.

Why would we declare that? We are strangers here.

That's a trick question. All right. Those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a home.

Let's go ahead and turn it towards what we're talking about today. They seek a place of Newark.

They seek a place of residence. ivarest

therefore God is not ashamed. To be called their God.

To be called their God for he has prepared a city for them.

like I said Read the book.

Dear Lord. Thank you once again.

Thank you.

Our resting place is not found. In the things and places that we have here. It's not even found in the life that we're walking through day-by-day right now. the rest that we seek we can only find in you.

and we also rest in the knowledge and the promise.

That you have plans for us.

and that you have

the future

in your hands

So we place our lives in our rest in you.

We place our faith in you.

As we live in this life, then they are prairies. That you would be working through us.

Today in this life we can we can show the world just a picture just an example of that rest that you offer.

Send it through our testimony. More people would be drawn to you.

We rest in you Lord. in Jesus name Humana

Define Preston. a resume

God didn't give us. theodred

cuz he needed. Dangerous to run near Dale. I need to remember ultimately. We're running around throughout the week.

Doing what we have to do to provide for those. How's the weather please my dad I can remember that ultimately.

He is our best and he is going to provide tomorrow.

day of rest of the day for us to draw near you're building a receiver Sunday Sunday evening service.

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